What Forecasted Scheduling Means for Your Brand

Best Practices

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New regulations are being set that will change the way you look at employee scheduling. While these requirements may seem strict, they benefit both you and your employees.

Abiding to compliance regulations can be a challenge and can prove to be even more troublesome when taking into consideration that these laws vary from state to state.

This means that any digital scheduling service you use will need to be smart enough to deal with these laws while also correlating with your employees' availability. Some factors to consider when it comes to your employee schedule

  • It is best to give your employees their schedule two weeks in advance at a minimum. In addition, if changes to the schedule must be made, you need to give your employees a week's notice before making any changes.
  • Any on-call changes to an employee's schedule must allow them to work a minimum of two hours and up to four hours. This only applies to employees who were not initially scheduled to work on that particular day.
  • It is no longer legal for employees to work clopening shifts. Any employee that is scheduled to close must be given at least ten hours to rest before their next shift starts. Time-and-a-half must be granted to employees who work during their rest periods.

When your employees aren't happy, it reflects on your business's performance. Using empathy and consideration when scheduling them helps decrease turnover rates, as well.

This is a tough balance when you recognize the unpredictability of life. Even the most loyal employee may have something arise, that compromises their ability to work. It may seem daunting to work with advanced predictive scheduling with the looming possibility of an employee needing to call out or reschedule.

However, new technology for scheduling is something that is going to continue to develop in every industry. The best thing for your brand is to embrace these apps that assist with predictive scheduling. Thankfully, the technological advancements necessary are there to help employees navigate these uncertain waters.

Due to the nature of advanced predictive scheduling, platforms on both mobile and desktop devices help employers manage new policies. With the implementation of the latest technological advancements, the task of creating weekly employee schedules becomes a breeze by going mobile.

Zip Schedules can help the future of your brand. This app allows you to comply with predictive scheduling easily and quickly, while also considering your employees' availability restraints.

How it Works

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Predictive scheduling apps allow for more productivity from both management and staff. Less time spent focused on scheduling leaves more time to spend being focused on completing other tasks.

  • You can manage schedules even when you're out of the office. The free mobile app works wherever you have access to the Internet.
  • Employees can check their schedules at any time on the app.
  • They can also swap shifts with coworkers and get notified when managers approve schedule changes.
  • All of this can be done instantly. There is no longer a need to wait hours or days for schedule changes.

Scheduling apps exist so you can connect with your staff outside of the workplace in an effective manner. Zip Schedules is dedicated to making the process simple and fast. Gone are the days of long wait-times for following up on time off requests.

Compliance is a key factor in predictive scheduling. Different states have varying regulations in regard to compliance.

For example, in California, employees must give their employees a 30-minute lunch break before the first 5 hours of their shift is up.

When you have to make sure every employee's schedule coincides with the laws, creating the schedule can appear difficult. Apps are designed to work around these laws for you so you don't have to worry about clashing shifts with your employees' availability. Simple interface makes it easy to navigate the app, even for beginners or those who have a phobia of technology.

Also Consider....

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  • Employees have far more control over their schedules. The instantaneous nature of being able to press a button and get a response makes it easier to plan their lives outside of work accordingly. The quickness of an app also opens them up to a larger pool of hours. If employees want to work more, they can accept shifts that fit with their availability. If they want to work less, they can easily give shifts away.
  • Recordkeeping becomes far more transparent. It is impossible to tamper with shifts from inside a digital platform. This is as beneficial for the employer as it is for the employee. If an employee has any discrepancies, they have a written record to prove themselves. The same goes for the employer. They now have physical proof that they are complying with labor laws.
  • These platforms are also beneficial in terms of labor forecasting. It's never been easier to gauge any labor requirements. Having a schedule laid out in one place allows you to see where you may be lacking. If it's difficult to fill certain slots in your schedule, it will show. This makes it easier to judge where you may need to hire new recruits to your team.