How Time Tracking Helps Increase Productivity


Time tracking is a tool of great importance especially for someone who is a team leader or manager. If you want to make sure that your employees continue to develop a strong work ethic, as well as ensure that your organization continues to improve its business, then it would be wise to invest in group scheduling apps.

If used correctly, time tracking apps can surely bring a number of benefits to your organization.

Some may be under the impression that time tracking is a newer concept but that is not exactly true. Although time tracking applications and software are new, the original idea of time tracking can actually be traced back to the 1800s.

Ever since the idea's emergence, it has been used effectively to increase productivity. The concept behind these time tracking apps is to streamline workload, manage time worked, and improve the overall productivity of employees, as well as managers.

However, time tracking has come a long way since the 1800s, and now there are applications that can automatically track the activity of all employees and provide a complete response about each individual performance.

Time tracking can be used to find out the in-depth truths about behaviors, patterns, and workflow. Time tracking can be highly beneficial, and we will discuss those benefits in this article.

Measures Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

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If you use the right time tracking or group scheduling apps then it can help you analyze your employees' performances more closely.

There are certain KPI's that will allow you to see how productive a particular employee is. You can measure this by estimating how long it should take an employee to complete an assigned task, monitor how long it takes an individual to complete a task, and review the total hours he/she has worked that day or on the week.

This data might seem invaluable to certain people, but if you are a manager or team leader then this data is nothing short of a goldmine. The right time tracking application can help you analyze these factors more efficiently because it will provide a graphical representation for all of them.

Indicates Time Drains

Before you can spot time drains, you need to understand what they actually are. Time drains are best described as obstacles or hurdles that get in your way to achieving optimal productivity.

With the right group scheduling apps, you can determine which tasks, processes, and tools you need in order to take a closer look at areas that could be improved and address the situation at hand.

This approach can help you and your team understand how much time is wasted and that unproductive time does not actually help you move towards your target goal.

It will also help you identify bottlenecks in your project and let you know about tasks that take the most time to complete. You can then take a look at all of these problems individually and come up with a solution. And, perhaps prioritize your to-do-list in a much better way.

Defining your target goals of improving the customer experience and providing quality food, along with stressing the importance of meeting those goals will speak volumes to your employees.

Reveals Distractions

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When it comes to productivity, one of the biggest problems that people face is on-duty distractions. Distractions are exactly what people need to stay away from if they want to get work done. However, in most cases, people are unaware of the fact that they are being distracted and therefore they are unable to address the issue.

According to studies, once you get distracted from doing a task, it will take you around 30 minutes to refocus, so you can imagine the amount of time lost as a result.

As a manager, it is your job to make sure that you and your employees don't get distracted and stay productive throughout the day. Time tracking tools can be used to reduce distraction and keep you engaged with your work and help you achieve your goals faster.

Keeping cellphones nearby or on-hand has proven to be the main reason why people get distracted while at work, and it is quite difficult to kick this distracting habit.

Between all of the phone apps, games, and incoming texts, even silencing your cellphone will not do the trick. The best solution to this problem is to instruct employees to tuck their phones away while on the clock.

In addition, incorporating time tracking software into your operational practices can also identify unplanned tasks that often creep into the workload. Tasks like these can really distract you from the main task and that will decrease your productivity, so it's important to prioritize these tasks ahead of time with the software, then delegate accordingly.

Saves You from Burning Out

Burnout can be detrimental to the overall performance of any employee and with time tracking apps you can make sure that none of your employees drain themselves during working hours.

Monitoring how long a person has been working during a shift, paired with how many tasks they have completed that day should help provide a better idea of an employee is being overworked.

Employees who are working an excess of hours in a day or logging a lot of hours in general may eventually burnout from the stresses of the job. This can lead to employee turnover or even physical exhaustion, which you obviously will want to avoid at all costs.

Having this knowledge can help managers distribute the tasks appropriately and ensure that all employees do their fair share of work.