What Customers Appreciate the Most in a Restaurant

What a Daily Schedule Means to Your Business

If you are running a restaurant, then a well-planned work schedule means everything to the value of your establishment, as it directly impacts how your customers are serviced. In this fast-paced world, the quality and promptness that comes with a solid employee roster greatly affects the growth of your business.

Scheduling is quintessential in the management of the workplace. In evaluation of company progress and workers' performance review, its weight breaks the scale and its importance is really magnified.

To properly paint the picture of a daily schedule, a rather firm hold on the meaning and utility of a schedule is needed. There is no need to grab a dictionary, as the explanation should be as straightforward as possible.

Imagine you are back in high school, you are handed a list of subjects, classes to attend, along with the exact times for every one of those courses from the list. That list you were given is equivalent to what a daily work schedule is to the restaurant industry. Aha! Get it now? Let's move on.

A schedule helps you prepare effectively and take proper supervision over activities. If this is what a schedule means, then a daily schedule planner can go a step further to ensure that everyday business goals are reached.

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Adding more pizazz to your customer experience base in a restaurant goes beyond the exquisite interior decor or the finely written name of your franchise accentuated by colorful neon lights at night.

The services rendered with the finesse, precision, detail and promptness from your employees are enhanced by utilizing a daily schedule planner. This brings employees and customers closer, gives you an edge over your competitors and gets customers ecstatic and likely to tell a friend about their experience.

Here is a closer look at what customers appreciate the most about a restaurant that is properly staffed.

1. Error Reduction
Let's get real, nobody likes receiving the wrong food order. Different tastes for different folks, right? Receiving the wrong order or in the wrong proportions can be annoying, especially if you're starving. Planning accurate shift coverage ahead of time prevents missteps like this from occurring.

A daily schedule planner can help business owners effectively eradicate over-tasking or under-scheduling of employees, therefore ridding of errors from occurring. It also makes responsibilities easily accessible for the actualization of franchise growth .

Accuracy leads to happy customers, and that's what we all want.

2. Quality Control
Who does not enjoy being in the driver's seat and making their own choices? A daily schedule planner affords people the chance to pick from a list, which includes their most preferred options in what time slots are available from various times of the day and actual days of each shifts, including weekends and weekdays.

Allowing this freedom will make your employees feel valuable, which will positively impact their quality of work and customer service. Great service leads to great reviews, all of which can be expected from improved quality control.

3. Up-to-Date with the Times
As technology continues to affect the way we see the world around us, you don't want to have a restaurant that is stuck in the prehistoric ages.

Many customers are active social media users. Statistically, 42% of the world's population are social media users; that is 3.2 billion people.

With that in mind, utilizing a scheduling tool would be easily adaptable by your employees. In order to match the technological advancements and online visibility with our evolving world, you now have the added advantage that brings you closer to and within the space of your customers.

Why Your Customers Will Prefer a Daily Schedule Planner

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Since "customers are always right," and the ability to please them determines to a great extent the growth and boom of your business -- especially in the food industry. Why not keep them satisfied by knowing what your customers prefer and deliver? Here is what customers prefer in a restaurant and how a daily schedule planner can conveniently help you achieve.

  • The first reason why customers prefer restaurants to use a daily schedule planner is because they know how long the wait-time to be seated can be during busy traffic hours, especially without reservations. A schedule planner for your diner affords customers a shorter wait-time, as your restaurant will be effectively staffed, therefore servicing everyone more swiftly and comfortably.
  • The second reason is that customers like efficiency in service delivery. Having your employees knowing what dish goes to which table improves efficiency and coordination around the workplace. A schedule planner ensures that everyone working knows their role and duty for that shift, so there is no confusion. You already know as a restaurateur, you don't want to lose order in your restaurant, right? A daily schedule planner will prevent this dismay.
  • The third reason is that customers don't like over-crowding, but they do enjoy company. Studies reveal that the more people eat with others, the happier and more satisfied they are. While a restaurant might be a nice place to meet new people and make friends over a meal, customers do not want to enter a restaurant and feel overwhelmed. A great schedule planner can make it easier to shift and rotate through the day, by forecasting your peak hours. This will help your restaurant become a place where customers with similar tastes can meet and enjoy themselves.
From morning brunch to a late night dinner, customers can always be assured to receive the very best service at a restaurant that understands the advantages that a daily schedule planner brings. Everybody wants everything done well and in a reasonable amount of time. This is also a foundation behind why customers prefer restaurants that use schedule planners.