5 Areas Where Your Employees Can Improve

The Current Situation

If you own or manage a restaurant, you're probably constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of your restaurant. The most important assets of a restaurant are its employees.

There are ways you can improve your team and increase your restaurant's performance at the same time.

Most teams will differ from each other, but there are things such as trust or communication that every team can benefit from.

The problem with most restaurants is that they only focus on raw performance. But the fact is, performance depends on many employee skills performance is just the final metric.

There are things every restaurant should work on improving. As a final result, you'll see increases in employee performance and your customers will be happier because of it.

Here are the 5 areas of focus that can be improved in a restaurant setting.

One - Communication

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One of the things that can make or break your team is communication. It can both cause and resolve conflicts, depending on how good an individual is at communication. Everyone knows how important communication is in both personal and professional life, but people rarely invest the time and effort to improve their communication skills.

Good communication between employees and managers can help improve the performance of staff members by resolving issues at both personal and professional levels. When there's good communication between two people, there's more trust and respect in that relationship.

A daily calendar planner can help you improve communication by empowering you with tools like instant communication.

Two - Time Management

There's nothing more valuable than time. We all get 24 hours in a day and we all know there are people who are much better at time management. Without great time management, your team wouldn't be able to complete tasks in the desired time.

Great time management could mean kitchen staff going home an hour earlier or an hour later depending on how fast they clean the kitchen. Both scenarios drastically affect labor costs.

It should be noted that employees should also learn how to properly manage time in their personal life, so they can come to work on time and not feel flustered because they were running late.

A good way to solve this is to use a daily calendar planner to schedule employees and encourage your employees to use a to-do list app to manage their personal time.

Three - Conflict Resolution

Trying to prevent conflicts from happening is one thing and you should do that too. But there will come a time when a conflict happens for one reason or another it's unavoidable. This is where you need to be ready to resolve the conflict as fast as possible.

It's usually the manager's job to resolve conflicts between employees, but that doesn't have to be the only way to resolve conflicts. What if you taught your employees to resolve conflicts?

Teaching your employees to resolve conflicts can save you time and effort which you can then use to complete more important tasks around the restaurant.

Because of the nature of conflicts, namely conflicts happening because of personal issues, a daily calendar planner can help you resolve them quicker by giving you the ability to instantly connect to another team member and talk about the issue.

Four - Accept Constructive Criticism

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Criticism and feedback are things that can help anyone improve at whatever they're doing. But some people are more accepting of these things than others.

Even though people know that criticism and feedback are helpful for self-growth, it might be hard for others to accept, as they may be under the belief that they are giving their best.

Your job, as a manager or owner, is to create a process that makes the feedback and criticism as harmless as possible.

On top of that, you should hold meetings with your employees and teach them the right way to receive and accept feedback and criticism.

Five - Lead by Example

Every team needs a leader, but every person should learn leadership skills. These skills are important for both personal and professional life they help the person have a better life in general.

There are people who have an easier time achieving these skills, but there are people who need more practice and training. Some traits of a good leader are

  • Self-confidence
  • Optimism
  • Leading by example
  • Rewarding for a good job (could be praise, a financial reward or something else)
The traits of a leader are what make a leader so lovable and respected. Having a higher level of self-confidence heavily impacts customer experience. Combine that with optimism and you have a very happy employee.

Schedule various times throughout the week to work one-on-one with employees on training and management skills. This will pay off in the long run.

Be Patient, Improvement Takes Time

Don't get overwhelmed. You don't have to improve all work aspects at once, as improvements take time. Take it step-by-step, improvement-by-improvement, and you'll reach your destination without any stress.

A planner can help with most of these improvements, so you might want to think about incorporating that into your restaurant. On top of that, you'll have a much easier way to create a schedule and save time and effort.