The Pros of a Flexible Work Schedule


When an employer allows employees to work flexible hours, it proves to be advantageous for both employer and employee. A flexible work schedule may involve flexibility in working hours, days, or even from multiple locations (if applicable).

There are many tools that you can use to make flexible schedules like excel, a shift schedule maker, etc. Let's take a look at the advantages that come with having a flexible employee work schedule.

Maintenance of Proper Work-life Balance

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Employees gain many benefits with flexibility in their work schedules, but the most rewarding advantage is the ability to balance their personal lives equally with their work lives.

With flexible schedules, they can meet family needs, responsibilities, and other personal obligations. For example, if an employee has a flexible schedule, he/she can go to an important parent-teacher meeting, meditate, or attend school.

Flexible work schedules allow employees to work when they feel more productive. This leads to greater achievements with work objectives, as well as enjoyment while completing these objectives.

Some managers may be under the impression that working longer and later hours show enthusiasm and greater commitment, whereas other managers may believe employees who do not want to work as many hours are slackers, but there is no evidence to prove either.

Ultimately, the best production from your staff will be a result of a well-rested and refreshed employee who is not feeling consumed solely by work.

Short Commute Time

Flexible work schedules allow employees to adjust their working hours and days, which also allows them more time to prepare for upcoming shifts if, for example, they have a sizeable work commute. This will result in avoiding the drive during rush hours because obviously the drive to the restaurant at 10-00 AM will be way shorter than that at 8-00 AM.

Short commute times will save employees from loss of money and the added stress of trying to beat traffic. In metropolitan areas, commutes that last longer than an hour is unfortunately very common.

With flexible scheduling, employees will save hours on their commute to work and cut down the stresses of trying to get to work on time, resulting in a vast improvement in their quality of work.

Increased Sense of Empowerment

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A common reason that people leave a company and opt for entrepreneurship is due to control issues on the part of management.

When employers give employees control over their schedule and work environment, they will feel empowered and in control of their lives. Having control over their schedule will also improve the spirit of employees, which will ultimately improve the morale of the work environment better.

An increased sense of empowerment in your staff will also prevent employee burnout, which is a huge win for both parties, as employee burnout has a direct negative effect on production and customer service.

Reduced Childcare Costs

With flexible schedules, parents are able to tend to their children more closely by cutting down on childcare or by avoiding it entirely, as parents will have more time to care for their children themselves. This improves both parent and child's quality of life because they will have more time to interact with each other.

Special care needs to be taken into consideration when it comes to your employees, because if the child is a toddler, the parent may not be able to work as effectively due to worry.

It is certainly an employee's responsibility when it comes to managing their time outside of work, like providing childcare for their children without it affecting their work, but allowing this process to be easier from management will go greatly appreciated.

Greater Commitment

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When an employer lets employees work out their schedules themselves, they make employees happier and more content with their work environment.

This boosts their morale, their engagement with customers, and their commitment to the organization. It also reduces turnover rates, laziness, and absenteeism rates by allowing employees to work preferred hours and days.

Above all these pros, flexibility in the schedules improves the quality of employee's work, which ultimately improves the flow and quality of projects done by employees.

Improvement in the Employer's Business

When an employer offers flexible work schedules, word gets around to other competitors and it helps employers recruit the best employees.

This improves the public image as an employer of choice who offers family-friendly work schedules. This flexibility in schedules will allow employers to extend operating hours, which also helps the business greatly, especially when it comes to customer service.

So, there you have it, these are some of the advantages of integrating flexible work schedules. In order to make the most of this technique, we recommend using a cloud-based shift schedule maker app, which lets you communicate with your employees to make flexible work schedules that work in everybody's favor.