How Restaurants Benefit from Using a Free Scheduling App

What is a Free Scheduling App?

Employee scheduling software is a workforce management tool used to optimize work schedules. Although employee scheduling and appointment scheduling processes may appear simple, they are in reality very complex. Restaurant management or a small business owner must balance availability and preferences while ensuring business needs are fulfilled.

Employee scheduling software and scheduling app programs automate and optimize everyday operations. The best free and paid scheduling app may even integrate with other software programs. From appointment booking to employee scheduling apps, advanced features and integration are critical. When management software programs work together optimally everyone involved in a small business or restaurant is benefitted.

Small business owners may not think they need the advanced features that the best employee scheduling app and software offers. However, advanced features offered by online booking and scheduling app software can save a lot of money over time. With a great booking system and scheduling app in place, businesses can maximize productivity and profitability.

Importance of Free Scheduling Apps for Restaurants

Especially in the fast paced restaurant industry, online booking and employee scheduling are complicated. Restaurant management software is important, influencing everything from labor costs to customer experience. The employee experience is directly impacted by management software and apps. Employee satisfaction and retention are enhanced with the best free and paid software supplied.

There are various components for large and small business management to consider during appointment booking and employee scheduling processes. Common employee scheduling considerations range from labor cost control to time off requests. Common appointment booking considerations range from Google Calendar syncing capabilities to booking page accessibility.

Thankfully, there are both the best free and paid scheduling apps and scheduling software available. While a free employee scheduling app might be sufficient for small business needs, advanced features offer noteworthy benefits. Ultimately, an excellent scheduling app and booking system are well worth the investment.

Benefits of Free Scheduling Apps

A scheduling app and scheduling software benefit restaurants in various ways. Benefits can be experienced whether a restaurant is utilizing the best free or paid software programs. While both the best free and paid scheduling app will offer advantages, more advanced features will likely offer greater benefits.

A small business may use Google Calendar which can be free forever with minimal features. Another small business could choose to invest in an online booking and scheduling app with advanced features offered. Significant scheduling app benefits that a small business or large restaurant chain should look out for include-

1. Labor Cost

For the average restaurant business, labor costs are around a third of total operating costs. As such, both a small business and large restaurant must thoroughly consider labor costs throughout various processes. From appointment scheduling to employee scheduling processes, labor costs should be at the forefront of conversations.

A scheduling app can help both a small business and large restaurant decrease labor costs without decreasing efficiency. In fact, efficiency is improved through the best free and paid scheduling app software. Ultimately, labor cost savings and higher efficiency directly translates into increased bottom line profitability.

2. Communication

Lack of communication influences everything from employee scheduling to appointment scheduling for a small business or large restaurant. In fact, a shocking 62% of employees cite their reason for leaving the workplace as a lack of communication. As such, investing in and implementing a paid or free scheduling app should be a top business priority.

The most successful large and small business owners execute consistent efforts to improve team communication. Excellent communication is critical for large and small business establishment survival and success. A scheduling app is an excellent tool to promote team communication. Team communications through various mobile apps can promptly become disorganized and a waste of time. Alternatively, the best free or paid scheduling app can offer a real time easy use communication solution.

3. Retention

Employee scheduling and appointment booking influence staff retention rates directly. Last minute employee scheduling changes or an insufficient booking system can frustrate even the most understanding workers. When a large restaurant or small business employee consistently has their time wasted they are more likely to quit. As any large or small business owner can confirm, costs correlated with recruiting, onboarding, and training employees are not cheap.

The best free and paid appointment scheduling and employee scheduling software increase employee retention rates. Mobile apps with advanced features make it simple for workers to manage appointment booking and employee scheduling processes. Best free tools like Google Calendar may link with a paid scheduling app or booking system for ultimate efficiency.

Must-Have Features of a Free Scheduling App

Even the best free appointment booking or free employee scheduling tools may not supply the advanced features needed. A free version or free trial with advanced features can demonstrate the value of appointment scheduling and employee scheduling software. The best free scheduling app is subjective, dependent on small business or large restaurant needs and wants. Whether a small business chooses software that is free forever or paid monthly, there are various features to look for. Important simple and advanced features to look for in the best free and paid scheduling app include-

1. Resource Management

Time is one of the most valuable resources a restaurant has. In fact, 60% of small business owners wish they had more time available. 39% of small business owners also assert that paperwork is their largest waste of time. Outdated employee scheduling and appointment scheduling can waste time easily. Alternatively, a booking system and scheduling app can streamline everything from employee scheduling to online booking of appointments.

2. Availability

No small business owner can be available 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Most small business owners and restaurant management professionals are busy enough already with everyday operations. Supplying customers with real time online booking and appointment scheduling avoids business lost to more accessible competing service providers. Even a small business can secure a competitive edge through an online booking page and scheduling app convenient for customers. The best free and paid scheduling app software with advanced features are worthwhile investments for large and small business owners.

3. Accessibility

Outdated processes waste a lot of time for both customers and businesses. An outdated booking system may require potential customers to contact a small business or large restaurant via phone. Answering calls necessitate staff available or else a client needs to leave a voicemail. Then comes the dilemma of customers and staff finding a mutually agreeable time slot sometimes requiring multiple phone calls. Then, the small business must figure out how to remind customers about their upcoming appointment. This booking system often requires multiple emails or phone calls, wasting even more time.

Understanding how time is wasted throughout employee scheduling and appointment booking motivate investments in online booking and scheduling app software. With an online booking system, a customer can accomplish appointment scheduling without needing to speak to staff. A large or small business will benefit from advanced features like automatic syncing with business calendars. Synching of Google Calendar or another free employee calendar reduces no shows and promotes accessibility.

The best free and paid scheduling software can even send automated appointment reminders including client email reminders or texts. For employee scheduling processes, scheduling app shift reminders are a great way to decrease missed shifts. The best free and paid booking system decreases human error. Human error during appointment booking ranges from double booking to incorrect deposit information recorded. Human error during employee scheduling ranges from double booked shifts to incorrect employee contact information.

Top Restaurant Scheduling Apps for 2021

Small business owners and large restaurant owners have something in common. Both want the best free and paid software and tools. Selecting the best free and paid software requires business owners to understand what features to look out for. Experts advise determining necessary and wanted advanced features before appointment scheduling and employee scheduling software investment. The best scheduling apps for restaurants in 2021 include-

1. ZipSchedules

ZipSchedules is the best scheduling app option for 2021. Scheduling software and a great scheduling app are important components of the more comprehensive software restaurants use. ZipSchedules is a foundational component of the more comprehensive management software programs Altametrics offers.

ZipSchedules hosts labor tracking and forecasting tools that make employee scheduling even smarter. The scheduling software and scheduling app make sure labor budget objectives are satisfied while optimizing resources. ZipSchedules is the best scheduling software and scheduling app choice for business owners and employees.

Even the best employees are improved with access to the best appointment and scheduling app available. ZipSchedules allows business owners and staff members to access the scheduling app remotely. As such, ZipSchedules is a particularly great choice for busy small business owners managing multiple locations simultaneously.

2. HotSchedules

HotSchedules is a scheduling software option often cited in best free and paid scheduling app lists. HotSchedules allows business owners and staff members in multiple locations to access employee scheduling information in real time. Employees can easily request free time off or sign up for an open shift. However, ZipSchedules is a superior scheduling app choice due to the advanced features it offers.

3. FindMyShift

FindMyShift strives to optimize the integration of third party software into its own scheduling app software. Common integrations often include a free employee calendar like the Google Calendar app. However, integration may come at a steep cost. Requiring additional software downloaded due to a lack of advanced features can decrease efficiency and hoard storage space. Alternatively, a scheduling app with advanced features built in like ZipSchedules is a better option.

4. 7Shifts

  • Various small business and large corporation owners regard 7Shifts as a decent scheduling software and scheduling app option. 7Shifts does not grant the same advanced features that other scheduling software and scheduling apps offer. Without advanced features granted, restaurants miss out on a lot. ZipSchedules is a great option for scheduling software and scheduling app for the advanced features offered.

5. PlanDay

PlanDay does not offer a free version or free plan trial to users. A free forever version and premium plan option are commonplace. For example, even Google Calendar offers a free forever version and a paid version with more advanced features for businesses. Thankfully, other software companies offer a free scheduling app or free appointment trial. ZipSchedules offers the best free trial of 2021 for small business owners and large restaurant managers alike.

Conclusion for Free Scheduling App

  • The best free and paid scheduling app can do wonders for a small business or restaurant.
  • Features to look out for in the best free and paid scheduling software range from accessibility to Google Calendar synching.