Top Tools of Internal Communication Every Business Needs

Introduction to Tools of Internal Communication

According to statistics from 2021, more than 4.3 million people in the United States work remotely. This is 3.2% of the entire American workforce. As more and more companies are hiring remote workers, managers and operators need to focus on preventing silos. Currently, 83% of employees rely on technology solutions to help them collaborate with their team. By implementing tools for internal communication, businesses can promote transparency and ensure a seamless flow of information.

Tools of Internal Communication

Internal communications refer to how individuals in an organization interact and share information with one another. Small businesses and companies need a strong communication system so that employees can be engaged and connected. When information is relayed openly and promptly, organization members will feel valued and trusted. This will help cultivate a positive company culture and boost morale. In turn, employees will be more driven and productive in their output.

In today's digital age, there are many solutions for communication that companies of all sizes and functions can turn to. The following are the best internal communication tools that brands should consider.


An intranet is a private network that organizations can use to share information, communicate, and oversee workflows. These systems are secure, meaning all important business details and documents that are relayed are only accessible to authorized individuals. With a company intranet, employees can collaborate and be connected to their colleagues from any remote location. Therefore, all staff can be updated with real time news about the company.

Mobile Communication Apps

Mobile apps increase accessibility because users can stay engaged with work from their smartphone, tablet, or computer. Many communications software will have features, such as alerts and notifications. They will show up when the individual has a new message or if there is an update to their workflow. Users can also access information from any location, ensuring they can make informed decisions and work efficiently remotely.

Feedback and Surveys

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Management teams can gain valuable insight into employee experiences with feedback and surveys. Companies should send out surveys periodically or have an open forum for staffers to share their opinions. This can be in regards to new policies, product development, company culture, or training procedures. Executives can then use this information to make improvements or adjustments accordingly. To enhance transparency and openness, these surveys should be anonymous.

Internal Newsletters

The communication department in a business should send internal newsletters regularly to employees via email or print. Newsletters generally encompass company news, updates, photos, videos, and charts. Department managers can make the newsletter more enjoyable and exciting to read by having a section that highlights employee accomplishments.

Online Project Management

Teams can use a project management tool to connect with their colleagues and track their assignment progress. The best project management solutions can be synced with other teams, enabling different departments to work together efficiently. This type of communications tool also has features for direct messaging and notification.

Instant Messaging Platforms

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Instant messaging is great for team members and managers. It can be used to send quick messages, ask questions, and confirm important information, without the need of email formalities. These platforms are the most common internal communication strategy because they can connect individuals from any location or time zone conveniently.

Company News Site

Business owners can dedicate a page on their company website to centralize all news, press releases, and updates. They can also have a section for social media activity and employee blog posts. These sites can be made private, ensuring it is only accessible by internal employees.

CEO or Management Blogs

A business's CEO or manager can create a blog site and write articles for their employees to read. These posts can pertain to company-wide news and updates. It can also be about the executive and their goals for the businesses, long-term plans, or personal interests. These blog posts will give employees a little insight into their superiors, which will help them connect better with the company.

Employee Acknowledgement Page

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Not only is an employee acknowledgment page a key internal communications strategy, but it is a morale booster as well. This page can be on the company website or included as a part of the newsletter. It should focus on showcasing the different employees in the company and highlighting top-performing staff. Businesses can hire a writer or have a communications team profile an employee and probe into their daily work life, hobbies, and interests. This space can also be used to announce employee promotions, birthdays, new hires, and farewells.

Onboarding or Training Center

An onboarding or training center is for new hires that want to be acquainted with their job. The center can be a physical office or an online space where individuals can find pamphlets and employee handbooks. They can use this tool to learn more about the company and follow steps on how they can excel at their position.

Video Communications

Video communication tools are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the rise of remote teams. Leaders can send a video conferencing call via Zoom or Skype and meet with their colleagues face-to-face virtually. Management can also create a video center and upload recordings for product demos, meetings, or employee training. Employees can then access this content on their own time.

Key Takeaways to Tools of Internal Communication

  • Internal communication is how organization members interact and share information with each other.
  • Tools for internal communication is important for businesses because it promotes transparency and a seamless flow of information.
  • Successful use of these solutions will improve workflows, productivity, and employee morale. This is crucial in today's world since many companies are hiring remote staff members.
  • The most effective internal employee communication tools include mobile apps, instant messaging, and video centers.