How Workplace Productivity Profiles Improve Productivity

Workplace Productivity Profiles and Your Bottom Line

An underutilized tool that can help boost workplace productivity is the administration of personality type tests and workplace productivity profiles. A workplace productivity profile is sometimes referred to as a personality types test or personality profile.

These profiles and tests consist of a series of standardized tasks or questionnaires performed in order to quantify team member characteristics such as emotions, values, preferences, or feelings.

An important distinction between a workplace personality test and other personality tests are that the results are applicable to the workplace specifically. In other words, the results are not meant to be applied to a team member's personal life.

The information gathered from a personality test can help team members to get to know each other and themselves better. Additional benefits of personality profile administration can range from enhanced career guidance to identifying which team members may work better together.

Common personality test types include the Meyer Briggs Type Indicator and Enneagrams. However, there are countless personality test types available for businesses to consider utilizing.

Workplace productivity and personality tests measure a wide range of interpersonal skills, behavioral traits, motivational and inspirational sources. Increasingly, employers are discovering that they can use workplace personality tests to boost the productivity of both individual employees in addition to team members collectively.

5 steps for utilizing workplace productivity profiles and personality tests for improving productivity include-

1. Discussing Results

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Discussing the results of the personality test with each team member individually is crucial. Best practices advise that these results be shared during a formal meeting such as a performance appraisal in order to avoid a team member feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.

Not only should results be transparently provided to each employee, but workers should be given an opportunity to give their input on their results. A reason that this discussion is so crucial is that a team member should ideally agree with the personality test results in order for the application of results to be most successful.

In other words, it is hard to help team members using personality profile results that they disagree with. If an employee is in agreeance with their personality type results, then they will likely be excited and work better towards integrating their results into their every day work life.

2. Reviewing Data

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If individual employees are comfortable with management doing so, the next step of a workplace productivity improvement process generally involves discussing test results among team members.

Both during the individual team member meetings and again in the group discussion, it should be explained that sharing the personality type results is to help team members work better together and forward workplace productivity initiatives.

Through an open discussion regarding the personality types of each individual employee, management can recommend communication style and conflict management advice tailored to each employee specifically.

These results can be utilized in business functions ranging from customer service interactions to the resolution of disputes between team members.

3. Boosting Relationships

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Efforts for improving workplace productivity utilizing personality profile data should include the application of results for helping team members work better together.

Management should aim to establish and facilitate a clear discussion about personality types and brainstorm how team members can work better using the personality test results.

In fact, studies show that both emotional intelligence and empathy are positively influenced when personality types are openly discussed. An increase in team member emotional intelligence and empathy levels can additionally boost employee engagement and productivity levels.

4. Applying Information

Personality profile information should be applied directly to communication policies and protocols. For example, if there is an understanding that a specific personality type reacts better to a specific type of feedback, that should be taken into consideration when interactions with that team member occur.

When team members communicate more efficiently with one another, they work better together overall. Additionally, miscommunications and misunderstandings are much more unlikely to occur when team members understand how other coworkers process information.

5. Rethinking Hiring

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Workplace productivity profiles are a great tool for increasing the efficiency of hiring processes. Recruiting the best new hire possible is much easier when a workplace can see a candidate's personality type and personality test information.

Additionally, human resources can use the personality profile data of existing employees to identify what skill sets are missing. Then, recruitment and hiring efforts can identify and secure a new hire with those desired skillsets.

Key Takeaways

  • Workplace productivity profiles are a great tool for increasing business success and bottom line profitability.
  • Steps for using workplace productivity profiles and personality test results best include discussing results, reviewing data with the group, boosting professional relationships, applying information, and rethinking hiring practices.

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