10 Rules on How to Be an Effective Manager

Tips to Effective Management

Great managers can make the difference between team members merely getting by or thriving in the workplace. An effective manager is an invaluable resource, not only for team members on staff but for the entire business.

As business owners know, entrepreneurship requires performing many management skills every day without a technical manager job title. For instance, a new business owner may find themselves influencing company culture one moment and providing personal development advice to team members the next.

The manager job is not an easy one and to become effective in the role requires a lot of energy and expertise. Researching best practice management tips help with this process immensely.

10 best practice rules about how to be an effective manager include-

1. Encouragement

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An effective manager is one that makes efforts every day to make the office a better, more enjoyable space. From fostering company culture to personal development opportunities with individual team members, a successful manager knows that time spent with employees is well worth the results.

2. Communication

When a manager leader does not take time to listen to the opinions that team members voice, the entire company culture is negatively influenced. An effective manager is one that employees want to talk to and brainstorm with.

3. Transparency

A good manager knows that transparency with direct reports is essential to building and maintaining trust. Without a company culture of trustworthiness and transparency, direct reports may begin to doubt or even challenge the leadership skills of their manager.

Great managers know that they are role models for their direct reports and should lead team members by example.

4. Feedback

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While administering feedback is a well known manager job requirement, the ability to accept feedback also important. A good manager understands that employee feedback and tips help managers become effective in their role.

Additionally, when managers make time to listen to team member feedback they are helping to maintain a company culture and work environment that employees want to work at. To encourage feedback from employees, managers should facilitate open dialogue proactively.

5. Leadership

Great managers lead by example through their own words and actions. For example, if a manager is late every day to arrive at the office, employees will likely doubt their leadership skills and authority.

On the other hand, if a manager is the first in the office each day and the last to leave, they may find that employees want to stay late to work alongside them.

6. Recognition

Recognizing an individual team member for a job well done is a free approach to improve company culture and create a work environment where employees want to become better workers. Beyond words of recognition on social media or in the conference room, financial rewards are excellent for recognizing employee contributions.

When team members see management make time to recognize great work it also serves as a personal development contribution. For example, if a manager and team member discussed time management skills in a personal development meeting previously, recognizing that employee for improving their time management skills is an effective way to reinforce their good behavior and growth.

7. Consistency

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Consistency is a crucial leadership skill that every successful manager should possess. Favoritism in the workplace is a very real issue that can negatively impact everything from company culture to personal development initiatives.

Great managers will consistently uphold rules and treat team members equally.

8. Teamwork

Beyond setting personal development goals, team members should be encouraged to work towards company goals collaboratively. Encouraging team members to work together towards a common objective is a great team building exercise that positively impacts company culture as well as the overall work environment.

9. Thoroughness

A successful manager is thorough when interacting with their direct reports. For example, a good manager may follow up a phone call or in person meeting with an email summary of important points discussed.

As such, both accuracy and thoroughness should be considered highly desirable leadership skills for those who wish to become effective managers.

10. Flexibility

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Employees want and need different things from their managers. For example, while one team member may respond very positively to constructive feedback, another may not.

Great managers take time to get to know how their employees are best motivated and encouraged. If a manager is willing to do so, they will likely be much more productive in their efforts to lead team members.

Key Takeaways

  • There are many best practice tips available for advice on how to be an effective manager.
  • Best practice management tips range from fostering open communication to flexibility.

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