How to Build a Time Schedule Template in Excel

How to Make a Time Schedule Template

Many restaurant managers grumble when it's time to create the weekly work schedule. Between inventory management, budgeting, and handling customer complaints, there's little time to focus on the employee schedule.

Traditionally, restaurant managers spent approximately 3 hours creating schedule templates with pen and paper. This was time-consuming, complicated and ripe for human error. With modern tools and technologies, managers can save time on creating the shift schedule so they can focus on more critical tasks. One of these tools is called a time schedule template.

A time schedule template is a calendar of a specific time frame with labor-related data on it. This data includes employee names, shift work hours, and even assigned roles for that day. Managers use a calendar template to assign work hours to team members. They pick a day and method to distribute the calendar so employees know their weekly schedule.

It's much simpler to create an employee schedule template in Excel than it is to use pen and paper. There are rows, columns, tables, and customization features. There's no need to draw or write anything down. Managers can easily edit old schedules, copy them, and send them through email.

Not only do employers save a lot of time, but they also minimize scheduling errors. Restaurant staff is happier and managers can hold everyone accountable for their assigned hours. As a result, team members show up on time with a positive attitude, ready to work. This decreases the turnover rate, improves the quality of customer service, and can lead to an increase in sales.

So, how can a manager make a time schedule template in Excel? Read ahead for some best practices.

1. Open New Spreadsheet to Create Time Schedule Template

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Open a brand-new spreadsheet in Word Excel and name it. The name should be easy to remember and should probably include the dates of the work schedule. For example, a good name may be Weekly Schedule August 11-17. Don't forget to save the spreadsheet as more data is inputted.

2. Create Column and Headings on Time Schedule Template

In the first row of the new work schedule template, create headings for the column. Most managers input Employee Name in the first column (X-Axis). They then list days of the week in subsequent columns. If the employee schedule is for more than a week, then utilize dates for the headings of the columns. Many employers prefer to bold their headings to show a sharp contrast to other data. This will make it easier for team members to read.

3. Time Schedule Template List All Employee Names

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List every single employee under that very first column. Restaurants may use their name or ID, though an ID can be more confusing for viewers. It's critical to list all employee names on work schedule templates because the number of employees affects shift management.

4. Enter Daily Shift Times on Time Schedule Template

Input the shift times for each employee and workday. This allows employees to quickly look at the daily schedule template to find their assigned hours for that time frame. The manager should save the employee schedule template and edit/input new data when it's time to create a new schedule.

5. Share Time Schedule Template with Staff

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Many managers print out the schedule and post it on a bulletin board during a specific day of the week. While this method is common, it is not always optimal. Employees may forget to look at the schedule and fail to show up for their assigned hours. Other employers prefer to save the file and send it through email. Because employees check their phones repeatedly throughout the day, this is probably a better way to share it.

Regardless of the method, managers need to ensure that all employees know exactly where and when to find weekly schedule templates. This will optimize workplace accountability and ensure employees show up for their shifts. Employees can plan ahead for their shift and show up prepared and ready to go.

Key Takeaways of Time Schedule Template

In conclusion, here is what to know about a weekly work schedule template -

  • Work schedule templates save time, money, and maintain workplace accountability. Because managers have more time, they can focus on more important tasks.
  • First, open a new spreadsheet and give it an easy-to-remember name. Then, create columns and headings. The X-Axis should include employee names and the Y-Axis should include shifts/work hours.
  • It's important to list all employee names under that first column because the number of employees impacts shift management. Next, enter daily shift times for each employee and workday.
  • Finally, pick a method to share the schedule with team members. Some employers print out the work schedule templates and put them on a bulletin board. Others save the file and send it through an email. Regardless of the method, employees need to know exactly where and when to find their schedules. This will ensure they show up on time and come prepared.